Is the Scrutian Society Pro or Anti European Union?

By the Scrutian Society

“As the oppressors wage a war on the free, their darkness will never cast a lasting shadow on the Truth. For its brightness is all-consuming. One enlightened soul keeps Dystopia from completion.”Scrutian Verses, vv.30.2017

The Scrutian Society is a fierce opponent of corruption, war and government lies and abuses. Therefore we are certainly anti-EU, and for very good reasons.

1. Years after EU members of parliament (MEP) were exposed for cheating all the people whose countries are a member of the union, nothing has changed for the better. Instead the cheating and lying has increased.

2. In 2011 the EU directly contributed to the illegal killing of Libya’s leader Muammar Gaddafi and to the war crimes committed in the country – deliberately aiding in sending the north African nation to the bottom and in chaos, to this very day.

3. Several countries that are now members of the EU never allowed their citizens to vote for or against such a membership. Instead the EU was unilaterally created by the ones who would profit the most from it: the politicians and their staff.

One such country is Belgium, it is currently the heart of the EU but it never practices what its big brother, the EU, preaches. Whenever a sentiment arises that seeks a referendum on EU membership it is instantly killed off by the Belgian and local governments because all political parties have several EU staff that are being paid royally, as the above videos partly document.

4. In 2013 the EU started buying oil directly from Al Qaeda, while at the same time we are supposed to believe that that “terrorist” group is the west’s worst enemy.

5. While the EU claims it is a democratic, transparent and peaceful institution it goes to great lengths to kill off all opposition. It also appointed its first president in secret meetings.

6. The EU claims that it is a friend of the European people but it has no moral problem with extorting its friends.

The list of EU abuses, crimes and the oppression engaged in by this mammoth undemocratic monster is actually very long but we trust that you get the picture with this statement.

North Korea in the Western News

By the Scrutian Society

“No weapon forged against you will prevail and you will refute every tongue that accuses you. This is the heritage of those who serve the Truth.” –  Scrutian Verses, vv.4.2017

At this point, anything coming from the news media concerning North Korea is preferably classified as dubious at best. The news media their track record is awful and with this obvious push for armed conflict we might as well consider this latest anti-North Korea round a black propaganda campaign.

We are surprised that people keep flooding the internet through this blind propagation of infotainment that is being sold as real news.

For those who are informed enough, remember that during the Vietnam war the news media actually was largely on the people’s side, both were anti-war and wanted to go to the bottom of things.

Now society is left with mere scattered pockets of upstanding folks that believe that truth and a good moral are some of the most important features an individual can and should have.

How Can the News Be Trusted?

By the Scrutian Society

“Because of Truth we are not consumed.”Scrutian Verses, vv.17.2017

Every day we are amazed how easily people pick up news stories and propagate them as factual pieces, without having done the slightest bit of research about what they subsequently post on their social media profile pages and timelines. They seemingly have this blind trust in about any mainstream and altstream (alternative) outlet that operates online. Little do they know that because of such dedication the news makers firmly keep the narratives under control, regardless of those being truthful or not.

At the Scrutian Society we daily debate about how modern news media outlets have little problem with getting their infotainment out, largely because most people have no clue how advanced modern information warfare really is.

Once again we advise our Members to be extremely careful with posting any news items that they find on the internet. It is not because a very popular news website, like BBC or CNN, is putting something online that that automatically means that what they claim is also true.

Be part of the solution, not of the problem. Remember the Scrutian Code.